Words cannot explain the thoughts and feelings -evoked by this incredible photograph. I feel so blessed that through this photograph -I am privy to this most sacred and private moment. And the enormity of what was (and is still) ahead of, 'our' President elect -Barack Obama is clearly echoed by the 'collective coming together of the Spirit' (of an indomitable people -who can't help but to keep it real -at all times). I have always believed, that if you have -a drop of black blood -you simply cannot do this journey (life) without a God, -Be it, 'God in Heaven' or a 'flower God' -or 'whatever' -just don't do -this side of the realm without 'a higher' help. And with that knowledge, -I would like to put these words into the air -for President Barack Obama, his wife, this children, family, friends and, all people of colour and people, -without (because we all know, -words are Spirit, -and they can Bless or curse):
The Lord Bless thee, and keep thee:
The Lord Make his face shine upon thee,
and be gracious unto thee:
The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee and give thee peace.
Numbers 6:24
P.s Today is our President Elect, Barack Obama's 100th day in office -fabulous.....xx
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