"I spent some time scanning images from a year's worth of issues of the Ghana edition of Drum magazine. Truth be told, losing myself in the pages was a bit of escapism. I wanted a glimpse of my parents' world, of their aspirations and of the culture from which I emerged. Those pages were a good source of any manner of cultural artefacts and goings-on in the country. Call it nostalgia, call it social anthropology, call it a poor man's history, or perhaps I was simply fascinated by the advertisements. So. Drum Magazine. Ghana. 1969. Here goes............1969 was an election year in Ghana, Kwame Nkrumah's one-party regime had been overthrown and civilian rule loomed. But that was by the by - the magazine was typically focused on lighter issues. By way of background, Drum magazine is most known from its South African roots but it also had Ghanaian and Nigerian editions from the late sixties until the eighties. The equivalents would be Ebony, Jet or say Essence (alternatively think of Hello and Paris Match) ergo, none too weighty society papers. A good place to start then would be "Drum's fabulous contest to find the prettiest mini-skirt (and its wearer) in Ghana." Koranteng Ofosu-Amaah
I am loving the above collages, -created from issues of drum magazine (the Ghanaian edition from 1969), - the fashion is fierce. I stumbled across the collages on, Koranteng Ofosu-Amaah's blog -and I'm thankful because they are, -inspirational, cultural delights -that speak of Ghana's fashionable and glossy past... -[just what, -a soon to be publisher wants/needs to see]. For more images and information -please visit koranteng's blog at: http://koranteng.blogspot.com/
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