Credit: all photos
come courtesy of Johnjay Fitih
Every once in a blue moon life throws you a gift, well the blue moon is upon us. The gift we present to you is a rare talent with a multitude of experience expanding across continents. His body of work in film, print and stage will solidify and cement his versatility in our industry.
We are overwhelmed with pleasure to present to you Johnjay
Fitih, actor/model. With a rare set of skills which includes the power of
flipping his authentic English accent to American, Jamaican, African, or
Australian. This natural born actor with athletic abilities, that includes
kickboxing, mixed martial arts, free based jumping and Capoeira (Brazilian
martial arts), that adds to his chameleon abilities.
Johnjay is from London, England with Ghanaian ancestry,
which is obvious visible by his high cheek bones, dark chocolate skin that
layers over his sculpted supremely defined arms, shoulders, and abdominal.
Improve the Star
power of your new Movie production, TV commercial, film, print or stage is by
injecting that all important rare talent to bring it to the forefront of the
industry, please contact Rita Kidd." Johnjay Fitih
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