African Prestige Combs / Hair Ornaments
Peignes Africains - Afrikanische Haarkämme
Afrikanische Haarkamm - Afrikanische Kamm
Ashanti - Akan - Fante
Ghana - West Africa
Northern Ghana - Akan Prestige Comb
Combs found in Northern Ghana tend to use geographic shapes after Islamic influence for two centuries.
This is a fantastic old prestige comb measuring + - 33.5 cms / 13 inches.
Akan speaking peoples prestige combs.
Akan speaking women of Ghana include the Anyi, Ashanti, Baule and
Fante. They all use wooden hair combs, as do their slaves. Combs are
obtained as gifts from admirers, or presented at marriage. Large bridal
combs were prestigious and used to adorn the home. Depending on a
woman's wealth or beauty, she might own three or four.
Colonial Ashanti Akuaba Doll Figured Comb
stunning Ashanti comb exhibits a representation of an Akuaba doll. The
exceptionally refined object is made from what appears to be a ceramic
material a-fixed to an inner core. The core is heavy and may well be
pewter. It is + - 24 cms or 9.5 inches tall.
@ AMR 1974
The comb is marked or signed @ AMR 1974. We have failed to learn of the AMR identity.
Abstract figures appear in the breast / torso area of the comb.
This comb is cited on Wikipedia's 'comb' page. Click here to see. It is credited on Wiki's 'Afro' page. Click here to see.
Native Krobo girl - 'Gold Coast' - Ghana - Photo: P. A. McCann
people frequently use proverbs in daily life to clarify anything and
everything. The wide verity of abstract and naturalistic shapes found on
their combs, for the most part represent local proverbs. Combs and the
carvings found on them, reveal these proverbs without the use of words.
Baule Elephant Comb
Côte d'Ivoire - Ivory Coast
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This is well used Baule (Baoule) comb. The Baule reside in both Ghana and Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)
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The comb was most like made in the Ivory Coast - as the maker carved 300 F (Francs) to one side.
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These are beautiful hand crafted combs. I love Adinkra symbols and they remind me so much of some.